It feels very imprecise in the early going, but not long after, it feels just as natural as every other mechanic at your disposal. The only real negative here stems from aiming your gun. Sure, many of the normal enemies can just be button-mashed to death, but some of the more challenging bosses will rip you to pieces if you just charge and keep swinging your sword. Why create all of these potions and chemicals when repeatedly mashing the attack button will net the same result just as quickly, but without the headache? That approach doesn't exactly work here, as every system feels mandatory. Many games have a tendency to include superfluous – and sometimes even robust – systems that, while cool, aren't really necessary. The thing is, unlike a large number of other games, every single system at play in this title feels like it needs to be there. Without this, it would be borderline impossible to successfully juggle all of the game's systems, from dashing to stabbing to shooting and more. Movement as The Drifter is smooth and is exactly as precise as it needs to be. This may scare some players off, but much like the Souls series, it's a rewarding type of challenging. The thing about this game is that it's hard. Just make sure you don't spend too long in any one place. This is a world brimming with life that has begun anew, but also living in the shadow of a long dead civilisation that was much grander and more luxurious than the current one could possibly hope to be. The trees, buildings that lay decayed and decrepit, corpses of hundreds unnamed behemoths: just about everything in this game begs to be stared at. The title's use of colour is extraordinary various shades of red and blue are employed so well that you can't help but just want to sit around and look at what's around you. Almost immediately, the game shows off its striking appearance, and it's absolutely gorgeous. The game's quizzical nature isn't all that is instantly apparent, however. How do you use this technology? Is there a way to cure this disease? How do you even go about finding out? Many questions arise right out of the gate.

You assume the role of The Drifter, a warrior who utilises long forgotten technology, but who is also suffering from a mysterious illness. It shares DNA with games like The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and many others, including the likes of Diablo. Hyper Light Drifter is a 2D action role-playing game with a pixelated graphics style.